So the researchers tried staining the tissue, and altering the wavelength of the laser light.
因此,研究人员试着给细胞组织着色, 并且改变激光波长.
百科语句Laser Light - Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfections on a wafer.
互联网Laser light differs from that emitted from a light bulb.
互联网This will also change according to the wavelength of the laser light.
百科语句To form the images, one simply projects laser light through the developed film.
为了显象 、 我们只要使激光射过已显影的胶片就可.
辞典例句Green laser light exposure was given 72 hours after HPD injection.
互联网Laser light curtain system, provides safety protection.
雷射光幕安全装置, 可提供加工时的安全防护.
互联网Accordingly, laser light is said to be much more coherent than ordinary light.
所以, 我们说激光的相干性比普通光强得多.
辞典例句Laser light is, of course, available as a continuous wave or in the form of pulses.
当然, 激光既可以是连续波,也可以是脉冲的形式.
辞典例句Just shine a laser light or throw a ping pong ball.
互联网Laser light does not spread out even at great distances.
辞典例句The weapon's laser light temporarily blinds its targets.
互联网Laser light is created by a process called stimulated emission.
互联网Stomach ulcers may be treated by guiding the laser light through flexible fibers.
辞典例句A laser light power conversion and display circuit we developed will be introduced in this paper.
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